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Weekly Oregon Statesman from Salem, Oregon • Page 3

Weekly Oregon Statesman from Salem, Oregon • Page 3

Salem, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Inilri Sates Bistrltt Cow fingotv Dry Goods. Groceries und CLOTHING. "MTESSIld. G.W. R.

Alwoter would pCBLIC SKTIMEXIV aTjleetC i DoaerlSMi Coaatr. itiaaiini of ilia eitiaom of Douglas Notice. II WE would beg leave to Inform the pee-; pie of Salem that owing to lha very unfavorable stale of the weather we have been detsined at Portland much longer than ws snticipated, having considerable work engnged Ws sre obliged to wart rcrfetritable weather, when ws will be most happy to inform the people of Salem we shall visit that place, giving all a rliunce of securing a likeness of themselves or friends on Ihe most reasonable terms, taken with alt Ihe latest improvements and colored to life. Perlect satisfaction guarantied or no etiagre made. Likenesses put up in cases express- MisTta StathinaN, DtA- Your Paper don't suit this country, no how, for know democrats whs doa'l like it just cause you don't pursue the tight policy.

In the first place, you don't treat Ihe officers as you ought to. Don't you know that, when whigs sre in power you ought to be a whig, and when democrats sre in you ought to be a democrat That 'a the way me and Bob Newell, and plenty of other demorrals do, and we get along first rate. All the officers like ua and pay us for every thing we do. Just try this plan, and turn whig awhile and see if Ihe Secretary cant't get orders lo pay you right straight. A Rcal Democrat that's now a Whig.

Suveyor General's Notice TO SETTLERS- IN township 1 north of ill" has tins Moies It and 3 nsi ol' ilia Willamette merid In township 6 south rr the base Hn: ranfss 3asd 4 wnst of the Willamette merid. In township 7 south of. the boss line range west of the Willamette merid. In township smith of the bass lis' range I west of lha, Willnmntte merirl. The townships having beert surTrterf end the plsts thereof approved on the llih all settlers therein befurt Ihs date of such approval are requested lo ap pear at my olhee when and where I ahull be prepared to receive Ihe notifications of llietr elniras te.pectively, and enter upon the adjustment of the same and the settlement according to law of all conflicts of houndsry lines thai may bs found to esist among them.

And every person who has settled or shnll hereafter settle within such townships after I he dste of approval aforesaid is re. quired by law lo file at this office ihs notification of his claim specifying the preciss tract or tnicts claimed by him within tkre months from tho date of his settlement, snd he hereby is requested so to do at sue convenient time within such term. tiiven under my hnnd at Oregon City this 11 til day of March JNO. B. PRESTON, Suv'Hien'l of Public lands in If convenient to settlers il is desired that notifications be filed as follows In town 1 n.

r. 3 4th week in March. I n. r. 3 w.

1st week in April. 6 a. r. 3 w. Snd week in April.

6 s. r. 4 w. 3rd week in April. 7 s.

r. 3 w. 4th week in April. 6 s. r.

1 w. 1st week in May. Msrch 15th, 1833. 52 4w CotTMpoaosnea of the Oregon Statessoafi. I Omoibai Letter No.

20. Sn Fncisco, A pril 4, 1853. Sinrte my last nnthing of moment has occurred. Our city has been remarkably quiel and free from night robberies. The great and sudden improvement in the moral aspect of our society may be attributed to the announcement, a short time since, that Ihe vigilance committee had again opened ila prying eyes and commenced duieenve operations.

The pnst efli, iency of this organization can thus be clearly observed. 1 The accounts fiom the interior are quite satis'aciory, both aa to mining at well as trade. Since the recent heavy freshet the dry diggings have been extensively worked and an immense aggregate yield obtained. Accounts of individual rich hauls are nu-nietons. but where so many thousands dig and delve, it would be singular indeed if our mines did nm produce larse specimens of rare luck.

Operations on the rivers are not brisk on account uf the high state of ihe water, and no great improvement need be looked fur before June. Trade in this eity has improved considerably the past two weeks, and the prospects of an exceedingly brisk spring trade are very flattering. The market no longer wears a heavy, stagnant appearance, and almost all kinds nf goods, of a desirable character (not the refuse of eastern store-hnus'-s) sre firm, wiih an upward tendency. I This improvement may be attributed to various causes, the chief nf which are 1st, verv few arrivals from the Atlantic states, during the past winfr 2nd, the tremendous rush nf eniigmnts to this stale from all pirisuf the world: the eastern stales, F.urnpe, China, and South America. During the month of March probably no less than eight thousand emigrants arrived in this city, fifteen hundred or two thousand; of whom were Chinamen, and ihe cry is.

still ihey come thicker and faster." The withm and for the OnoVy nf Clackamas John McLaughlin pl'f vs. Attachment. Thomas Putves def NOTICE is licreby given that on ihe 20lh day of February in the year of our Lord oae thousand eight Hundred and fifty-two, a writ of attachment in favor of John McLaughlin the above'nsmed plain- tifl, against lbs lands, tenements, gooos, chattels, rights, credits, moneys anderl'ects of Thomas Purves, the sbovs nanus1 de fendant, a non resident debtor, was duly issued out of the I'niled Steles District Court within and for Clsckomss County in Oregon Territory, under the hand and seal of the ClerJt thereof for Ihe sum of four hundred and fifty -five dollars ($455.00) returnable to the District Court ol the United States, in and for ssid County of Clarktt-mns on the first dny of March A. D. 1852, at ten o'clock A.

M. at Oregoa City in the said County, which said writ of attachment was duly served end returned. And that proceedings will be had thereon in accordance with the provisions of the statute in such cases made and provided. Attest, ALLEN P. MILLAR, el k.

J. Quins Tbarkton, 1'ro Querents. March 15, 1352. i 6w52. Uailcd States District Court of Oirgoii, within and for the County of Clackamas.

John McLaughlin, pPff vs. Attachment. William M. Card, def'l "IfjTOTICE is hereby given that on the -LU twentieth day of February A. D.

1852 a writ of attachment in favor of John Mc above named plaintiff agmnst the lands, tenements, goods, chattels, rights credits, mnnevs and effects of William Mard, the above named defendant, a non-I resident debtor, was duly issued out of the I United States District Court within and (or Clackamas County in Oregon Territory un-I der the hand and seal of the clerk thereof for the sum of seven hundred and ninety-eight dollars returnable to the 1 District Court of the United States, in and said county of Clackamas on the 1st day of March A. 0. 152, at 10 o'clock A. i at Oregon City in the said County which 'said writ of attachment was duly served and returned. that proceedings will bs had thereon -in accordance with the statute in such cases made and provided.

Attest, ALLEN P. MILLAR, ci k. J. Ql'iitn Thornton, Pro Quercnte. March 15, 1S52.

tw52 United Stutes District Court of Oregon, within and for the County of Clackamas, John McLaughlin pl'l? Laughlin pl'ff ts. Kiiey deft. Attachment. i William 1VTOTICE is hereby given that on the Xil twentieth doy of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, a writ of attachment in favor of McLaughlin against the lands, tenements, goods, chattels, rights, credits, mo- and efTocts of Williiiui Riley, a nun-resident debtor, was duly issued, out of the United Stutes Disirtct Court within and fori the county of Clackamas in Oregon Territory, under the band mid seal of tha clerk thereof, for the sum of nine hundred and eighty four dulinrs and fifty cents 50) 'reiurnahle on thtf first ofMarnlt A. D.

IH52 at 10 o'clock A. which said writ of attachment was duly acrved and returned; jand that proceedings will be hud thereon in accordance with Ihe provisions of tho statute in such cuses made and provided, Attest ALLEN P. MILLAR, Jlerk. i. Q.trifiN Thornton, Pro' Quercnte.

March 15, U. S. District Court of Oregon, Hamilton Campbell rs. Attachment. Albert Driggs.

1VTOT1CE is hereby given to all persons. J. und ptirticularly to Albert briggs, the above mentioned defendant, Lhat Haiujlton Ciimpbell, 4lie above named plaintiff, on the Gill dny of February, A. D. l6oil, sued out 'of this Court a writ of attachment returns-ible lo the Mnrch term A.

b. 1652, directed against the lands, tenements, goods, chat, jtels, rights, credits, moneys und effects of 'said defendant for the sum of two hundred dollars ($200 CO) 'which sard writ has been returned served and that due proceeding will be bad thereon, is accordance with the provisions of Uie stuiute in such case made laud provided. Attest, L. F.ROVER,CI'k. I Williams Pattok, Atl'ys (br 1'1'iT.

i March 3d 1852. 6w51 ADAMS fc Treasure, Tared, Tackuge and Freight Express and Banking House, RESPECTFULLY inform the public that having established a House in i Purlland we are now prepared to forward to and from Oregon, l.iihli.rnin, the Allan-tic States and Europe, Gold Dust, Vnluuble Packages, and every variety of Freight. We despatch per P. M. S.

S. Co's steamer our regular seini-tnoiituly express, leaving here on or about the Hi ill and 25tli of each month, in time lo connect wiih the 'Panama steamers. treasure and valuables lo any amount. Having superior advantages for the forwarding of packages and freight we are enabled lo afford uierchunts ud others increased facilities between San Francisco and Oregon. Bills, notes and oilier collodions attended lo promptly.

Exchange on fkiladiJpkia, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Htm-Orleans, San Francisco, IfC. fyei Deposits received on special and geuersl account. Letters of credit given ou our house in Sao Francisco. Gold dust bought al highest rales. ADAilS ac CO.

March 2Ulh, 1852. 2lf DENTISTRY. Or. E. H.

GRIFFIN, SURGEON DENTIST, OFFERS his Professional services to ihe inhabitants of Portland and vicinity. Filling, cleansing snd ea'racting executed in the most durable rhunner. Artificial teeth inserted on gold plate and mads useful for Pivot teeth inserted with wooden pivois, or gold and wood combined. All operations warranted. Orric a at his residence.

Nov. 24, N. B. Ladies from the country can be provided for in my family while being JS.JU. GRIFFJN.

Call and See us! THE undersigned have and will keep constantly on band an Assortment ol Ready Made ylolhHig-, Dry Goods and Groceries, which they will sell for cash or exchange for tJoonlry Produce," rr We thank I he public for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us. JOSHUA SHAW, I A SHAW. Ciucinnsti, Juns24j lijSlr '14-tf IvJL respectfully inform the citizens of Oregon Uitjr and vicinily lust tney nave junt received, direct from San Francisco, a full and splendid assortment of Dry Uonds. Groceries and Clothing, which Ihey offer at greatly reduced prices. In their assortment may ba found the following articles I Prints, Domestics, Lawns, Alpsccss, Sheetings, and a variety of fnncy articles Ladies and Misses shoes of different kinds and latest Mens and Boys Pants, Vests, Coats, Shirts, Flannels, "(Drawea) Hats, Caps, Crnvats, Boots and Shoes fine and coarse Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Dried Fruit, Mackerel, Pickles, Spices, Tobacco, ke.

Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods. All those wishing good bargains will do well to call and examine our stock. G. W.dt R. ATW'ATER.

April 13th, 152. 4lf Administrator's Notice. IVaTOTICE is hereby given that letters of it administration, bearing date March 30th, Id52, have been granted by ihe Probate Clerk of Benton County, Oregon Tar ritory. on the estate of Joshua Herbert, deceased. AU persons having claims against snid estate are called upon to present the same within one year from lite date of the letters of administration or they mov be barred, and wnhin three years or they shall be forever buried.

And -all persons indebted to said eatate are called upon to ij make immedista pnvment to fcLlZAUtiH lltKISKKT, Administratrix. April llih, 3w4 Come at Last. AT Salom. The Daguerreotype artists, Messrs. Pnrkt Van Duyn, and are now prepared lo tuke likenesses at Force's Hotel.

We flaller ourselves that we can produce likenesses by our style of operating far superior to any ever before taken in the country. Cull and judge lor yourselves. No one will be required to take a picture unless perfectly sulisfied. Do not dtliiy as our stay will be short. Likenesses taken on the raoBt reasonable terms, and colored to life.

April 13th, 1852. 4tf Just Received. PER bark Oeean Bird, and for sale at the Brick Store. Oregon City, 13 cases fioots and 8hocs, 41 doz. Wool and Fur flats, bbls.

Dried Fruil, 10 kegs Selterutus, 4 bugs Pepper, 43 kegs Tobacco, 25 boxes onp. 22 kegs Nuils, 45 boxes Raisins. Tojellier with nn assortment of Dry Goods. GtO ABERNETHY CO. April Gib, let.

2. 3tf Taken Up. CAME to the residence of David Hill, deeeased. in the spring of lr49, a small dun heifer calj', some while in the face and while on the legs and belly. No enr-mnrks nor brands.

The owner is requested lo prove property, pny charges, and take her away. Suid cow is in the possession of the undersigned. viltt.LUl,h. tj.Jiua. Ilillsboroue Washington 3w3' April Dili 152.

Notice to Gold Diggers. FOR sale by Sims llunuiaun, at the Hermitage, one mile above Cham pore, on the north aide of Willamette River, Fifty Horses, in good order, and on reasonable terms. Hermitage. April 5lh, 1852. 3lf KE1UOVAL.

WILLIAM F. II1GIIF1ELD, CHRONOMETER and era Watch maker, has re-j moved lo the building two jC I I doors abova the Wain Street fegV, Jt i llouie, where he can be con s-i stantly foond prepared to do any business i in his line. Watches cleaned and repair ed on short notice and reasonnble Also a choice lot of watches and jewelry lor snle. March 30, 1B52. Iy2 Taken Dp.

A LINE-BACK ox, about five years old, LA. white under the belly, the brush of the tail gone, liranded with the letter IS. on the right horn, lie 1ms been running about my plnce, on the Clackamas, nbout four miles fruin Oregon City, since the 1st of December. A. B.

UOLCOM B. March 30th, 3wS Notice 13 hereby given thet my wife Mary has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation. All persons are hereby forbid trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no debts of her oontracling after this date. THOMAS COWHICK. Hillsboroueh.

March 29. lttt'2. 2l2 Medicines, A SMALL lot put up expressly for i this market by one of the firstCJp druggists in New-York, consisting in Jj part as follows Pulv. Rhubarb, fxlracl of Lemon, I. Julnp, -of or Red Clover, Blue Pills, of Mandrake, Lee's 11 of Stramonium, Hrondreth's of Hornhound, Morphine, J' ofbl'k Coliosh, Caslu Oil, I i 4' of While Oak, British i of Crauesbill, Opium, Soda and Seidlilz Scudder's Eye- powdera, water, Laudanum, Soda and Cream Opedelduck.

-i -SLSO On hand a small sssorlment of Thomp son's Medicines, all of will be sold low by (jtO. ABtKlNt'l HJ Ac Co. Oregon City, Feb. SO. '02.

i 49lf Just Received FROM Ssn Francisco and now on hand full assortment of Prints, Alpsccss, Cambrics, 5 J'afamellas, Oinghoms, Merinos, -Lawns, Chambrsys, Poplins, Bsrsgs, Plain snd chsnga- Bombazines, ble M' de laines Flannels, 1 Ribbons, Laces and Sstiaatts, Edgings, v. 8hesis' Grey, Jeans, I- Denims r. Corded Plaids." Caaliamerss, Cotlimades, Damssk table linen, Drilling, 1 Resdy-msde cloth' Bhirting, rr Blsnkeis, Linseya, Sheeting, 4-4 7 4, Groceriosi Blesched sheeting, Tin-wars, i mhirh ws will soil as low as can be purchase ed at any oibor place in. Ihe Territory. Call at the Brick Store sna see.

Orsjon City, fsb SO, 1652. i 49 fouuiy assembled Winchester Sltiih ofl iprt.d President, and A. Fliut, two "tIw follow''" persons were appointed a -Miuiillee lo draft resolutions expresses of sense of nieetiug, Messrs (itubbi Jlarini. M. T.

Dsady, esq- addressed, tlia meet- "'l'he committee limn relirad foe a ikon iourval aud reported the following resolu- bareaa ihe Executive anil a part of tha indicia' department of tliii Territory luve irnvcil Uiemelves in a hostile ailitudu, ilio Legislative Assembly, snd huve id li'l r0 seeking by every means wiihm their power lo reudor inoperative at will We people as expressed uirougiij representatives, by denouncing thej ms of ll country, by refining to yield i liifm obedience, by brow-beating and d-kanni those uf our public servants whoroj yv cannot intimidate or seduce lo join in; lil4 uim.nural w.irfare therefore, I lie it resolved, by this cnmpria- iu a portion of lha citizens of taanij. that we fully approve of the nieat.j mjofihc Legislative Assembly, al the first Monday of December, 1S51. and isitbr so doing tliey acteil in accordance nh Hie unmistakable wi nf large uia-j Mfiir nl'lhe people in the Territory. Resolved, That we will reaped and obey the Us ot the country aa paaved by the t.fislitive Assembly until annuled by Oagreo or declared inoperative for some tAUt leason than Ihnt of the pluce of nisei-ind heartily condemn either lha puh- jx journal or wu puouo man, v'no wuuiuu knag anarchy and discord upon us by aliempts lo override and rite dust those enactments und safeguards (four beloved country. jj Resolved.

That we can see no good rea-J pin why Ihe people of this Territory are capable of selecting iheir public ser-j tints llian are our fellow citizens of the, c'litei. with whom we form part of one; jrrtl and common brotherhood but on the! coitrirv, can plainly truce the present un-! stuiril discord in this Territury to lha sys- -to of appointments of our Executive and Jsiiriat urlicers and therefore heartily ap- pre uf the memorial lo Congresa as pas- -siar the Legia'alive nbly at Salem,) iwurge upon our honored belt-gate our; unit desire that ha will use every exer-ia to obtain a change in our organic act. is eonlorinitv therewith. Resolved, That the administration of Gdiernor Gaines in Oregon has been dis-: tjijlied by au unfortunate tissue uf uffi-; till blunders puny attempts lo usurp pow i ff selfish indifference to ihe public inter- efts and wishes a reckless determination to rule or ruiu and unredeemed by one single act that marks the statesman, lioro jj ar patriot. i W.J.


I Committee It wa. moved that the above resolutions Ik adupted, hich motion was carried. jj Ihe Secretary furw ird a copy ftfllie above resolutions to Ihe different pa-; Mrs fur publication. 1 SOLU.MOX FITZHCE, jj J'resident. A.

R. Flibt, Secretary. il Pablio Jloetiug in I.ane Connty. At and respectable meeiinff of the rmna of Lane county, Oregon, assent-j biedat the house of Hillyard Shaw, lo public notice given on Wednesday ae 3Ut day of March, for the purpose of: tilting into consideration ihe course pursu-, i by ihe federal officers of Ihe Territory, on notion, ilillvard Shaw was appointed' Present, and F. Skinner was chosen; the object of ihe meeting having i been stated, the following tenttemen were ipwintd a committee lo draft resolutions fipressive uf the object of the meeting.

trz: Messrs. Hreedino, McMurry, seet and Martin, after short interval' lasy reported lite following preamble and esnlutinns i Whereas, set ions difficulty and eonfu sion have arisen in Ihe public affjirs of this Termnry, growing directly oul of the- at-i tempt of ihe Executive and part of tiie Judiciary to detract from Ihe puwera of the! legislative Assembly, by endeavurinff toj stetent the late meeting and subsequent: anion of that budy at Salem. And whereaa, the just and lull powers; privileges nf the legislalive Assembly ire subjects of vital interest lu the people ft' lite Territory, it being the only depart- i stent of government, under uuc present i l'-rrnoriai system, wherein the popular Nee can be heard and reflected llierefure, be it by the citizens. Line county, that we fully approve of. 'it meeting nf Ihe Legislative Assembly al Silent, on ihe first Monday of December, and believe that by so doing ihey wed clearly in accordance with a previ-ly expiessed legislative will, and Ihe 'titles of a large majoriiy of Ihe people of Territory.

Kwlced, I hat as peaceful and Uw-abid- TOCIlliena in will vnle iiili wicimeias of Ihe Legislature unlil an-1 tiled hy Congresa or declared inoperative i "om tome other reason than ibe mere place their passage, and disapprove all attempts, come whence they may, lo eatt doubt and confusion over Ihuse laws.) rehy inducing anarchy and all -its evil. i H'Mhtd, That experience has long since thai the people of Oregon are capa-5of self government, and we have yet to tira that our removal to this Territory from different Stales of ihe Union, has for-' Kited fur us Ihe birthright of American linens, and the privilege of electing ourj tuiets. therelnre heartily ap-; K'J'eof the memorial to Congress, as pass- i 81 bv ibe Legislative Assembly at Salem, I ad hereby request dot Delegate to use all means to procure a change in ourj Wfuieacl in conformity therewith. ItitalcfJ That a tHu innMIA nf the annexing this couniv to the 2nd jndi-tUmriet. Toe meeiing was ably addressed by rs.

Deady and Boise al considerable tagiii, when upon motion the preamble ') resolutions were separately read and. oaniracuisly adopted. On ooiion, voted that Messrs. Boise and, receive the thanks of this meeting On motion, voted, that the proceedings! una meeting be signed by Ihe President 'Secretary and forwarded to eaoh pf thej "erai newspapers published in Oregon Mblication. Boiion, the meeiing adjourned1.

U. 8HAW President. fc- Skinner, Sec'y. Messrs. Parks Van Doyn, me to-day for Salem, Ihey will open a gallery.

Their in this city will also be kept open Ihe present. See their advertisements. San Francisco Pajclt Ccrrent. See San Francisco correspondence. ly for mailing, which can be forwarded to anv pan ot ine niianus states tor ou eeins.

Views of the town taken on nn entirely new principle, avoiding the former difficulty of reversing the picture. PARKS it AN DTJYN, Daguerreotypists, Portland. Maich 15, 1852. E3lf C. 6.

BIRDSEYE, Wholesale Wine Merchant, PORTLAND, 0. T. All kinds of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Svrups, in desirsble packages for Steamers, Hotels, Restaurants, pri-. vste use and dealers generally. Also, dried and pruscrved Fruits, Nuts, Spices, Segars, Tobacco, N.

B. Purchasers will find all goods from this establishment to be what they sre represented on lbs labels. Sept. 8, 1851. 25tf BIBCOCK STORY.

(Late Snell Co.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals. Surgical lu-tramenls, Hrushes, Dye Stulls, Druggists' Glass Ware, Perfumery, MindowGluss, Paints, Oils, Patent Medicines, Ac. Corner of Front and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, O. T. Orders solicited and promptly attended to.

March 8, 1852. Bf Dutiful end Lifelike Daguerreotypes. Mil. L. H.

Wakefield, recently from Chase's celebrated rooms, Boston, direct from N. is happy to say to the ladies and gentlemen of tins place and ri jcinity, that he has taken rooms over Mr. Cuufield's store (Tor a few dttys) and is now prepared to execute likenesses in the highest perfection of tha art, and will war rant them superior to any dnguerreotypeB ever taken in the Territory, and equal lo any taken cast. Mr. VV.

has fitted up a s-ky-liglit, by the means of which, much butter work can be Idone, as it makes the lights and shades I much more artistic and produces a much more life-like, picture. Pictures will be put up suitably for mail-; ing to eastern friends. f- I'irf tires taken largo or small, and in an' kind of weather, OPINIONS Or THE PRfSS. i From the specimens in this art exhibited by Mr. VV, we must any that nothing but nature can equal the holding of tii-s mirror up to nature.

Gleaner. "The highest perfection of the art, of beautiful style and: finish. Albans Republican. 14 The best that we have ever seen Star. 11 It con be said without fear of conlra' 5 diction, that Mr.

i ts decidedly one ol the best aniatR of the kind that ever visited our place." Kenosha Republican. 1 41 The specimens of iiis wark we have! aeon are perfectly true to nature and such we believe is the opinion of all who have seen them. Call uud examine. N. W.

Gazetteer. 1 The best artist in his Line in the west." Western Press. I liu i Mr. fur the merit of his work, would refer to his Nock and Gold Lockets fer sale, uud instructions given in the art. 1 Operating hours from 7 1-2 A.M.

to 6 P. M. Oregon City, March 2G, 1852. 2if TAKE NOTICE Ye Miners and TUl' United Stales Quurtero. niter's Department, on the u'th of next April, will offer at public sale the following Burned public properly at Columbia barracks, Vancouver at 12 o'clock viz 10 mules, 5 horses, 15 saddles, 15 bridles, 15 blankets, 2 wagons, 12 setts of mule harness, and an assortment of most excellent Army Clothing, consisting of great coats, 'wool pantaloons, wool tickets, boots, col-jton pantaloons, cotton shirts, musquito bars, India rubber canteens, Terms, Cash, A greater number of animals, clothing.

will be sold to suit purchasers, provided the prices offered be deemed sufficient ly high to indemnity trie Lnited Ms tea, 'RUFUS ING ALLS, Cipt. Ass'l (ir. Master, U. 8. A.

March 29, 1352. 4w2 Estray Notice. AKT.rV nn Itv llip sottfirrihnr nn IitHin Said nonv has been hod on the fore fuel 'and had his mane roached. He trots damned hard. The owner is re quested lo call, prove property, pay for advertising and take the horse away.

GEO. T. EASTERBROOKS. Gribble's Prairie, on Molalla. March SOtb, 1852.

3w2 Dr. S. L. GROW, RESPECTFULLY tenders his profes-sional services lo (he citizens of San-liam City and surrounding vicinity. By strictly regarding the wanle-of the unfortunate be hopes to merit a share of public confidence.

'r -i Calls from the country promptly answered. Office in Mr. Sam'l Miller's store. Snntiura Cil.VjKov.8ih, lB.jl. 6m35 Paper for Sale.

A QUANTITY of paper, suitable for printing newspaper. Size, 22 by 32 Inquire at the Slatesmsn office. Jan. 24, 1852. 45tf Notice to Miners.

8AM. COLVER T.THOMPSON HAVE taken claims in Rogue river val-JUsy, eight miles from ihe. Willow Spring, where they will lake charge of ell stock left in their care by Miners and Traders, on the following terms For horses or mules per month $2 each hesd per week, SO els. each bead. Pnr -niil ner week.

37 1 -2 cents each head. Being situated io the finest pari of Ibis VHlley or grazing, they respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Tbey have a large correl well supplied with running water and quarters. Provisions and grocsrics constantly pp. baud and for sale v' Beef; wholesale or retail.

-ij i JACOB 8PORE8, Forks of tk ELI AS BK1GGS. SMITH ci AK1NS, Vmp qua Perry. Jan 2,1352., ",,60142 fJ A Lawsuit Ddcidco. After a litigation of some thirty yeara, to recover the property knowa aa the Hot Springs, in Arkansas, on a question of title, ihe contest has closed. W.H Gaines, who married one nl the heirs, has carried on the suit and brought it to a successful close, for which he receives, fur his wife's part, one half of the properly.

W. H. G. is a brother to John P. Gaines, Governor of Oregon.

The value of the property, some of which is covered with the county seat, is estimated at full 200,000. The people who possess I lie propetty of course are highly excited, and threaten to hold on or die. I i Buffalo Courier. The attention of settlers who have claims or parts of claims in tlio To nships advertised by the Surveyor General on the Sth day of Fthrvary, is called to Ihe faot lhat Ihe three months" expires on the ith day of May, during which time those who had claims taken previous to Ihe survey, are required to present their notifications at the Surveyor General's office. Com.

Portland Election. The following persons were elected City officers on ihe 5th instant Mayor, A. C. Bunnell Coun-cilmen, Vm. P.

Abrams, A. P. Dennison, Thomas Priicbard, A. G. Tripp and Hi ram Smith; Recorder, S.

S. Slater. rU" G. E. Cole, was admitted to practice as an attorney, at ihe late term of the U.

S. District Court in Benton county. Marion Cuuntt. It will be noticed lhat the Marion county Democratic Convention is to be bolden at Parker's Mills instead of Salem, as published last week. F.ditob or run Ptatksmais Allow us to propose the following candidates for this county at the June election, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention For Representatives, Geo.

L. Currt, II. Thompsoh. For County Clerk, Frank. S.

Hoi.lakd. For County Treasurer, Rubcrt MANY DEMOCRATS. Editor Statesman Conceiving thai; the northern end of the county ought to: ive a Representative -this time, we sub-' mit the name of VVm. Meek to the Demo-' craiie County convention, by the decision of which his friends will abide. I 'NUMEROUS DEMOCRATS.

Mr. Please add lo ihe list of candidates fur Representatives lo be submitted to the Democratic County Convention, the name of Hector Campbell, of Milwaukie, the faithful Representative two years since, and oblige many democrats all over the ennntv. Mil. iiiisu: Announce VVm, Holmes, our present efficient sheriff, as a candidate for re election, subject to the decision ol the Democratic Convention, and oblige the people of Clackamas ouunty. Mr.

Editor: Please announce' the name of Sipti.mi Hvelat as a candidate for Assessor, and oblige many volets. 1 DIED, At Portland, on ihe full Hcsitr Daring uged about 114 years. Aou is Your Chance 11 Messrs Parks Tan Daj llBgnfmolypisIs, HAVE jujti arrived from San and taken rooms on Main street. Oregon City, where thqjr will remain a few days, giving all an opportunity of securing 1 a likeness of themselves or friends. Having operated in all the principal places tn Califuruia fur the laaX three years, with i good success we Bailor ourselves that we can give satisfaction to all who may favor us wiih a call.

1 i All lovtirs of (he art call and judge for yourselves of pictures luken in alt pasta of California, as we shall be moat happy to see you at our rooms. no one will ue required to take a picture unless perfectly satisfied. A large assortment of Gold Lockets with single or. double picture, at a very low price. Likenesses put up in cases suitable for mailing, can be forwarded to any of the At-lantic Status for the trifling sum of 20 cents.

P. 8. Instructions -given and apparatus furnished on (lie most reBgonaotc terms, en i ft nee ol Securing views of the i country, with all Uie latest improve men la in operating. (jj Ladies, do not forget us, as our stay is short. Oregon City, April 13, 1352.

4if Information Wanted, 4kF Ihe whereabouts of Mr. Gen. Chap. VJ pel, who left Oregon in the fall of forty-nine. Any person who will give information concerning him to IVm.

Cole.of Polk County, Oregon, will confer a favor. California papers please notice. April 13ib, 1858. Sale at Action. THE subscriber will sell at public auction i at his residence, 7 miles south of Sa-Ism, lo or au mules, snd from 25 to 30 Ameican and Indian.

Terms Cash. THOMAS W. HARRIS. April 13,1852. ts List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office tt Astoria, Oregon, Msrch 31, 1852.

Bojfle John Horworth George Brumwell Miss Mary Johnson James BramwillJsmes H. King Nathan Grain Waller O. Kohn Jacob Cloyd Caleb Lowell Crank flialhsniel Muller Alfied M.i Cameron 1. W. urtay JSirs Clark Jacob it McLead Juha Cooper Samuel A.

Maylor Sam'l Cooohlan Juhn Fenn Mr. Delerma Susannah Rutier J. Duncan Jno. W. Russell Henry Drew Alfred Spew Huh Franklin George' Smith C.

A. Frost James wilier C. E. Huntington H. D.

Sawyer Joseph Harnley George 8. Vllerbsek Granville Hudson Corn VV. L. Vanderword James Hutohinaon Captain Wood II. m.

West John T. t. POWERS, P. M. New Goods, JUST received by the undersigned a general assortment nf Dry Goods and Ciro- ceries, which will be sold to suit the times.

tilher at wholesale or retail. R. CAUFIELD. Ofgon City Feb. 23, 1852.

4LHf STOP AND REST AT Roe's Hotel, on Soap jlOU R. miles South of Linvel M. Ferry, and ten miles North of in Marysville, oh Ihe best and mostdi rect route up the valley. eb. 17, ISO.

4'Jtl 1000 Lbs, Chalk. 300 LBS. VenetiRn Red, 5U0 lbs. VV biting, 2U0 lbs. glue, 200 lbs.

Litharge, 300 lbs. French Yellow. Sand's SurBapurilla, wholesale and retail at the DBUG STORE, Corner Washington and Front Portland, Feb. Hth. SOlf Up River Navigation.

HE new and commodious steamer Multnomah will'S'ssssWw-s make regular trips liHreaftcr as follows leave Uregun City lor buleni ana marysville every Friday morning al 8 o'clock. Returning, leave Alarvsville fur Salem and Oregon City every Monday morning. Leave Urcgon City lor eaie.m every nen-uesilay Morning, and returning, leave Ss-lera for Orogun City every Thursday morn. ing- relent carried at the estaultsnea rates on the river. Oregon City March 23, 1852.

Itf SCHOOL BOOKS Just Received from N. Tork. Holman, of Salem, NOW offers for sale, at low rates, ills best, most complete, end cheapest ss- i snrtmenl of school books ever offered in the Territory, The books were selected with great care by very experienced teachers, und are of the kinds now used in the best schools and academies in ihe States no old or secund rate trash among them. Merchants, ttacliers, and all wishing to purchase school books are invited to call -and esamine for themselves. Merchants will find it for their interest to furnish themselves with an assortment for schools in their These books being received direct from New York, can be sold at low rates, and there's enough fur all.

So send in your -orders. Salem, Nov. 21, 1H51. 36tf Estray Notice. CAME to the residence of ihe undersign, ed on the Molulla, about the first of Jnna last one vuke of oxen about 8 vears old, branded on Ijie near horn S.

C. L. One oi is pule red and the other is lirinais. The owner is requested to prove properly, pay charges and take them away. RACHEL LARKINS.

Morcfi 3w52 Another lot of Stoves, hi wn JUST received a lot of superior Cooking Stoves of the Ervin sud Champion sir-light patterns and for sale at the lowest market prices. Also on bund good assortment of Tin snd Hollow Wars, Cow Bells, at the Tin and Store Main street. N. B. All kinds' of produce taken in exchange for stoves snd lin-sre.

A Oregon City, March 8th, 1652. Bltf Portland, Oregon City and Fort TimeouTe r. 1 TllHE new and commodious ff -fc. river steamer JAMES F.sssessssla 1 LIN J. O.

Vas Besors, Master, will -leave Portland daily at o'clock, for Ore- goh City, (Friday and Sunday excepted vciuiiiM.j; P. For Vancouver; will leave Portland every Friday, at 9 o'clock, a. returning lbs same dsv. t. The Flint is a new boat of lighl drsugbt.

snd well calculated for the accommodation Lt u. 1 1 1 fllrnvnn III- at A of the traveling public, sna ine transports. Jj" For freight or passage, apply to lbs captain, on board. March 6, 6lt To Miners and Others. THE undersignen Having naa rneir wins improved by the addition of a first rats Smutt Machine, en new bolls, sre now prepared to furnish ss so article of flour as can be bad in Oregon.

We hare constantly on hand a large supply nf Floor and Baeim, together with every oilier aru-cle neccsstry lor a miner's outfit, or tho country trade, and we are determined HH to be undersoto. ISESiUTrl A PWEK. Nsstfiiih Mills, Folk March lrtb'int estimates ihs number that will set out for California from Ihe eastern and western states, during Ihe present season, al fifty thousand. The accounts from Chini and South America are equally heavy in their estimates of departine gold seekers. It is reported that the clipper ship Challenge" will bring us a thousand or upwards of ihe Moon-eyed gen ry.

In fact the whole world'' seem determined upon a trip to California, after a slice of the golden calf. I fear thai many a poor fellow will find il extremely lean picking upon his arrival here, and most fervently wish that he had! not gnne a gold hunting. Heretofore it has cost much tuil and exposure fur men to ohtain satisfactory returns in the mines, and many failed even at that. What can be expected, therefore, in six months hence, when the influx from all parts will have materially reduced the chances of profitable I mining! Much disappointment, some suffering, and a great many fruitless curses. Vaodewaler, ihe agenl of Vandeibill'e line in ih.s city having failed to relieve the shipwrecked passengers of ihe North America a couple of i igs have ben held in this city In secure means fur such purpose.

Money and provisiuns will be forwarded by the Golden Gate nn Monday next. The conduct of Vanderhilt's agentin this city was severely commented upon in a report made to an adjourned meeiing of citizens. It was staled in that report that the asent did not consider himself legally bound lo furnish assistance to the suflereis at Acapulco, and that the few barrels ol bread and beef he had sent was a mere charity. Magnanimous man The generosity and legal acumen of this steamboat agent are most wonderful they merit a cunspicuotis place in every newspaper in ihe land. Please don't overlook his merits He deserves all that words can express.

Below I give you a report of the markets, made oul from material furnished by a heavy concern It can be relied upon Wholesale Prices Krport. i Commercial. During the past month some speculative movements were made in Flmir Ooiia a InriTR nonnmv Chile changed hands al $8 50 a 9 50. Thej feeling, however, has subsided in a measure, and sales are slow at (9 a 9 50 in small lots, for 200 Ih. sacks.

The slock ot American lour on hand has been increased bv an arrival of 7650 brla. Richmond Citv Mills. Corn Meal 8 to 8 1-2 cents. Pilot Bread 7 1-8 to 8 c. Grain, of all kinds has somewhat declined, with an unsettled market and downward tendency in prices.

It Is difficult lo obtain' more than 4 1-2 c. forBtrley. Oregon Oats for seed) 6 to 1-2 Mexican Corn i 1-2 lu 5 c. Pork has advanced somewhat, and clear in brls. mav be quoted al $20 to 21 in half brls.

12 in 12 1-2. Mess in brls. 17 to 18. lleef is quite scarce and sales have been made at $30 now held at $32 in 35. Hams are much inquired for and sell readily al 20 a 22 c.

fur good qualities. Lard is held at 40 c. though a few sales have been made al 35 e. Boiler is very firm and still commands a high price superior 75 c. Cheese in tin, 10 a 18 c.

Mackerel in half brls. 6 to 6 1-2. Groceries. Refined Sugars are inquired for and sales have been made at 11 1-2 a 1 1 3-4 c. Molassei and sales have been made al 25 c.

for New Oilcans in IB c. fur Manilla in half Sandwich Island Syrup at 40 and Boston Syrup at 50 c. Riee (Carolina) 7 1-2 a 8 c. China 4 lo 4 1-2 e. Soap-American Brown 7 3-4 Liverpool do.

6 IS e. Candles have improved somewhat and siles of Slar made at 35 a 30 c. Adamantine do. 37 1-2 a 39 c. for desirable sizes Sperm 40 lo 42 c.

Tobacco has advanced slightly r-bathirgo quantities being hourly expected1 ir it therefore doubtful whether the present advance will be sustained. Sales have been made of Grape, lu arrive, at 37 1-2 150 cases in hind bro't 40 e. Nectar and Virgin at 37 1-2 a 38 1-2. Oihef brands 28 to 35 c. Segars Regalia and Londres uf fine quality inquired for.

Other descriptions dull. Building Material. Lumber is lower, several lots of Oregon, Eastern and Islands having arrived, White Pine plsned $60, do. do. tough, $52 1-2.

While Pine tongued and grooved $C0: Yellow do. do. $70. Clear Plank 7fi; do. boards 100.

Oregon Framing Stuff and Boards 40 to 45. Clear Pine Pick-els $35. Shingles 8 to $10 Laths 12 to 15. Bricks, Eastern, none California 25 lo 27. Cement, in smsH lots, 6 to $8.

Calcined Plaster 5 lo 8. Coal is stiff at 45 English, beld in market at 45 a $50. Exchange On Eastern cities 4 per ot. on London at sight, 46 1-2 60 days, Valparaiso par to 2 per cent, discount. Spanish and Mexican dollars and doubloons 5 per cent: premium.

Gold Dust is coming in freely, but' alill firm at 17 SO for clear, I gj We invite attention to the advertisement of Ihe Messrs. Atwaler, in this number of the Slatesmsn. Give them a call and see if they do not perform according to the bills." H. Y- Anonymous. Can't pub- lish..

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